Rabu, 30 Agustus 2017

Narrative Devices or Motifs, ways of telling a story

by Alfredo Santos
RtR Writers Workshop, Yogyakarta, 18--21 August 2017

1. One Day (or Night) in the Life of ...
Stories about everyday life, including school and family life. Or "slice of life".

2. Travelogue or Journey
The character journeys from one space to another, often with an urgent goal/objective

3. Dream Motif
The character falls asleep and dreams or transitions into a dream-like experience

4. Allegorical Device
A symbolic story that offers a deeper message to the reader.

5. Natural Cycle
Stories around recurring natural events such as changing of seasons, the water cycle, butterfly and flowers, day and night, etc.

6. Metamorphosis
An animal or an object develops or grows into its full form (tadpole-frog, caterpillar-butterfly, seed-plant, etc.)

7. Problem-Solving
A character encounters a problem and finds/discovers ways to overcome the problem, usually combined with humor. This can often include increasingly difficult obstacles getting in the character's way.

8. Trick Device
A trick is used to defeat a competitor or an enemy, win a race, or to resolve a conflict or problem. Examples are Kancil stories.

9. Cause and Effect (Action-Reaction)
An action or event triggers a series of actions or events
An action triggers a corresponding reaction

10. Numerical Sequences or Patters
Classification of colors, bodies of water, shapes, plants, etc.
Seasons, days of week, months, hours, etc.
Steps or procedures for cooking, playing a game, swimming, making a kite, etc.

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